Projects I - (2013 - 2016)
During the first funding phase the SPP1685 was organized in five research clusters:
- Bauhus, Kohler, Lang: Short-term and long-term variation in P-concentrations in growth rings of trees as indicators of P availability in forest ecosystems
- Cierjaks: PhosForDiv - Phosphate availability as driver of plant biodiversity in forest ecosystems
- Ludewig: Epigenetic adaptation and memory in tree ecosystems
- Nehls: Linkage between plant sugar and fungal phosphate export in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis
- Rennenberg, Herschbach: Environmental and intrinsic regulation of phosphorus acquisition, partitioning, storage, and mobilization in beech and poplar trees
- Amelung, Lewandowski: Bioaccessibility and residence time of phosphorous in forest subsoils
- Kaiser: Production, reactivity, and bioavailability of dissolved organic phosphorus species in soil – indicators of the recycling efficiency of forests
- Lang, Schack-Kirchner: Linking aggregate formation to small-scale P distribution and P availability in soils
- Mikutta, Guggenberger, Boy: When nano-scale meets biodiversity: retention and recycling mechanisms of organic phosphorus in soil
- Prietzel, Spielvogel: Spatial heterogeneity of phosphorus concentration and P speciation in German forest soils
- *Talkner: Indikatoren der Phosporverfügbarkeit und -nachlieferung im Waldboden und deren Beziehungen zum Phosphorernährungszustand der Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica L.)
- von Wilpert, Bauhus: Factors controlling phosphorous availability and their relevance for phosphorous nutrition of forest stands
Polle: Role of inter-specific ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity for forest ecosystem nutrition.
Rillig, Kohler: Arbuscular mycorrhiza along forest soil sequences differing in P-availability
Spohn: Microbial P mobilization and immobilization in rhizosphere and in root free soil
Kuzyakov: Microbial P mobilization and immobilization in rhizosphere and in root free soil
- Julich, Feger, Schwärzel: Phosphorus transport along soil pathways in forested catchments
Weiler, Puhlmann: Lateral Transport of phosphorous along hillslopes and its relation with water age
* associated project