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Sonia Meller

Title: Plasticity of beech saplings (Fagus sylvatica L.) in response to soil phosphorus availability

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Frossard, Dr. Jörg Luster

Date: December 2019

Institution: Department of Environmental Science, ETH Zurich


Simon Eberhard Stahr

Title: Aggregate und organische Bodensubstanz : Verteilung und Dynamik von C, N und P in Waldböden

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. F. Lang

Date: Juni 2019

Institution: Faculty of of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg



Christine Ingeborg Heuck

Title: Microbial nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization and microbial biomass stoichiometry as dependent on ratios of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in soils of temperate forests

Supervisor: Dr. habil. Marie Spohn

Date: Mai 2018

Institution: Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, University of Bayreuth


Anna Missong

Title: Phosphorus Associated to Forest Soil Colloids

Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr. E. Klumpp

Date: April 2018

Institution: Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural sceince, RWTH Aachen


Florian Netzer

Title: The phosphorus-(P) nutrition of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and poplar (Populus x canescence) depends on soil-P availability, tree age and species

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Rennenberg

Date: February 2018

Institution: Faculty of Environment and Natural Ressources, University of Freiburg


Jakob Sohrt

Title: Cycling of Phosphorus in Temperate Forested Hillslopes

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Weiler

Date: May 2018

Institution: Faculty of Environment and Natural Ressources, University of Freiburg


David Uhlig

Title: The deep Critical Zone as a source of mineral nutrients to montane, temperate forest ecosystem

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. F. von Blanckenburg

Date: November 2018

Institution: Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin



Fabian Bergkemper

Title: Reconstruction of the microbial phosphorus turnover in forest soils with different phosphorus stocks

Supervisor: Hon.-Prof. Dr. M. Schloter 

Date: August 2017

Institution: School of Life Scieneces Weihenstephan, TU München


Florian Werner

Title: Spatial heterogeneity of phosphorus concentration and speciation at the micro and profile scale in German forest soils

Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr. J. Prietzel

Date: July 2017

Institution: School of Life Scieneces Weihenstephan, TU München


Aljošza Zavišiś

Title: Seasonal phosphorus uptake by European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in high-P and low-P soils and ectomycorrhizal diversity along a geosequence

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Polle

Date: December 2017

Institution: Faculty of Forest Scienece and Forest Ecology, University of Göttingen


Nina Gottselig

Title: The role of natural nanoparticles and colloids for phosphorus binding in forested headwater catchments

Date: July 2016

Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr. E. Klumpp

Institution: Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural sceince, RWTH Aachen


Brigitte Schönberger

Title: Site-dependent differences in DNA methylation and their impact on plant establishment in Populus trichocarpa

Date: November 2016

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. U. Ludewig

Institution: Faculty of Agricultural Science, Universität Hohenheim

Nam Yang

Title: Performance of forest trees and mycorrhizas in response to varying nutrients

Date: 2015

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Polle

Institution: Faculty of Forest Scienece and Forest Ecology, University of Göttingen