Amelung (University of Bonn), Lewandowski (FZ Jülich): Bioaccessibility and bioavailability of subsoil P
Bauhus (University of Freiburg): Variation in P-concentrations in growth rings of trees as indicators of P availability and recycling efficiency in forest ecosystems
Dippold (University of Göttingen): Soil microbial necromass as an essential phosphorous reservoir in forest nutrition
Frossard (ETH Zürich): Impact of N/P inputs on organic P dynamics and P status in soils and plants along a nutrient gradient
Julich (TU Dresden), Breuer (University of Giessen): Quantification, modeling, and regionalization of seepage losses of phosphorus from forest soils
Hagedorn (WSL Zürich): The leak in the phosphorus cycle - exploring the mechanisms and controls of phosphorus leaching in soils of acquiring and recycling forest ecosystems
Herschbach (University of Freiburg): Environmental and intrinsic regulation of phosphorus acquisition, partitioning, storage, and mobilization in beech and poplar trees
Kandeler , Marhan (University of Hohenheim): Microbial interactions and phosphorus mobilization in forest soils – effects of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen availability
Kaiser (University of Halle): The leak in the phosphorus cycle - exploring the mechanisms and controls of phosphorus leaching in soils of acquiring and recycling forest ecosystems
Klumpp (FZ Jülich, Siemens (University of Gießen), Bol (FZ Jülich): Nanoparticles and colloids as vectors of P-losses and -redistribution during forest ecosystem development
Kühn, Ashour (University of Rostock): Towards a molecular level understanding of phosphorous-cycling in forest ecosystems
Kuzyakov (University of Göttingen): Microbial phosphorus cycling in acquiring and recycling ecosystems
Lang, Schack-Kirchner (University of Freiburg): Unraveling trees’ P sources based on P uptake modelling
Luster (WSL Zürich): Phosphorus mobilization in acid forest soils as affected by interactions of water regime, fertilization and growth of beech
Mikutta, Glaser (University of Halle), Guggenberger (University of Hannover): Plant-microbe strategies for utilization of mineral-associated P sources
Oelmann (University of Tübingen, Pütz (FZ Jülich): Impact of N/P inputs on organic P dynamics and P status in soils and plants along a nutrient gradient
Polle (University of Göttingen): Role of inter-specific ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity for forest ecosystem nutrition
Prietzel (TU München): Interaction between P heterogeneity patterns in silicate and calcareous soils and root architecture, P nutrition, and growth of European Beech and Norway spruce
Puhlmann, von Wilpert (FVA Freiburg): Phosphorus mobilization in acid forest soils as affected by interactions of water regime, fertilization and growth of beech
Ecosystem nutrition as driver of soil organic matter turnover, a modelling approach
Schulz (HelmholtzZentrum München), Schloter (TU München): Linking carbon and nitrogen availability to microbial phosphorous turnover in different forest soils
Spielvogel (University of Bern): Soil microbial necromass as an essential phosphorous reservoir in forest nutrition
Spohn (University of Bayreuth): Phosphorus mineralization, solubilization, and cycling in the microbial biomass as dependent on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus availability
Weiler (University of Freiburg), Puhlmann (FVA Freiburg): Phosphorus and water flux dynamics in runoff and plant uptake in forested headwaters