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Meetings 2015


Dates Meeting



The ecological paradigm of the ‘whole being more than the sum of its parts’ is widely accepted as one of the most fascinating properties of ecosystems. Yet, the emergence of nutrient dynamics within ecosystems has hardly been addressed methodically so far.

Here with we would like to invite you to take part in the second conference on “Ecosystem Nutrition” organized on behalf of the DFG Priority Program SPP 1685 which has a special focus on the phosphorus nutrition of forest ecosystems. Contributions on conceptual and methodological innovations and results addressing the ecosystem dimension of nutrition research are strongly appreciated. 






Conference Venue


The conference will be held in hotel “Rhön Residence” in Dipperz around 10 km south-west of Fulda in the Rhön.

The Rhön is a low mountain range in central Germany. Records from the middle ages describe this area as Buchonia, the land of ancient beech woods. Expansive stands of beech still exist today in the area.

The hotel is close to one of the central study sites of the DFG Priority Programme “Ecosystem Nutrition”. A field trip to this site and to the Rhön Biosphere Reserve will be organized on Saturday, 4th of July.




For further Information about the conference, see:
Flyer Ecosystem Nutrition 2015



Speaker of SPP 1685:

Prof. Dr. Friederike Lang 



Coordination & Organization: 

Jaane Krüger 






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