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Forest Strategies for limited Phosphorus Resources

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New date Closing Conference of SPP 1685:

April 14 -16, 2021


Due to the current situation and restrictions in connection with COVID-19 it has been decided to postpone the closing conference of SPP 1685 to April 14 -16,  2021. The conference will be held in Freiburg (Germany).

Important dates

December 15, 2020: Deadline abstract submission & Registration opens
February 1, 2021: Notification of acceptance
March 1, 2021: Deadline registration

For further information please downlad the Flyer or see here.





Closing Conference of SPP 1685 postponded to April 2021


Given the current situation and restrictions in connection with COVID-19 it has been decided to postpone the closing conference of SPP 1685 to April 2021.

Futher information coming soon!






"Die Rolle von Phosphor in Wäldern"

Fokus topic in journal "AFZ-DerWald" (03/2020)


In the current issue of the journal "AFZ-Der Wald" (2020/3) four articles with the focus on phosphorus in forests have been published.The articles, written in German language, deal with different aspects of phosphorus nutrition in forest ecosystems and present selected results from the SPP 1685.

The following Artiekl articles have been published:
1. Die Phosphorversorgung der Rotbuche
    Ulrike Talkner, Dan Paul Zederer

2. Wie Buchenwälder auch mit wenig Phosphor auskommen
  Jaane Krüger, Cornelia Herschbach, Jörg Niederberger, Friederike Lang

3. Wo der Phosphormangel droht
    Heike Puhlmann, Jakob Sohrt, Michael Rinderer, Jörg Prietzel, Jaane Krüger,           Friederike Lang

4. Der Wald als Ratgeber für die Landwirtschaft?
     Friederike Lang, Jörg Niederberger, Hans-Peter Dietrich

If you have interest in one of the Artiekl write an email!



New Research Topic: Changes in Forest Ecosystem Nutrition

Contributions are welcome!


 Frühling BBR

About the Research Topic

Continued deterioration of phosphorus supply and changes in nitrogen dynamics in forest ecosystems has been emphasized in recent ecosystem studies. Detrimental consequences of any such nutrient based changes in forest ecosystems are expected because of the tight feedbacks on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Globally, forest change and associated changes in nutrient supply are perceived to be results of multiple factors including rising temperatures, more frequent weather extremes, continued high N inputs, decreasing biodiversity, and increased intensity in forest management practices. Traditional approaches of plant nutrition are not entirely sufficient for the assessment and evaluation of interactions between nutrient supply and forest change. For example, they fail to address essential aspects such as the nutrient mobilization and demand by microorganisms, the interactions among trees of different species identity or ontogenetic stage, or between other organisms such as herbs, microorganisms, and herbivores. The feedbacks between living organisms and soil properties and their impact on nutrient dynamics, and the interactions between hydrological and biogeochemical cycles remain also poorly understood.

In this Research Topic, we invite submissions addressing all facets of a novel, holistic “ecosystem nutrition” approach. Ecosystem nutrition combines the concepts of nutrient cycling, biogeochemistry and ecosystem ecology, thereby integrating processes at different spatial and temporal scales and in different ecosystem compartments as well as interactions and feedbacks associated with the nutrition of an ecosystem. Thus, this Research Topic has a wide focus on novel advanced concepts, methods and results ranging from the molecular to the ecosystem and landscape scale. Furthermore we are looking for contributions investigating the spatial heterogeneity of forest ecosystems, as well as their medium and long-term responses to changing nutrition. Finally, modelling approaches for a better understanding of those complex interactions are highly welcome.


For more details see also "Changes in Forest Ecosystem Nutrition"


Submission Deadlines

15 October 2019     Abstract
15 February 2020     Manuscript



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Dates & Events


Workshop - Water and nutrient fluxes in ecosystems under a changing climate: a tracer-based perspective


November 4 - 6, 2020   Postponed to 2021!
Heidelberg, (Germany)

Workshop Scope

This workshop aims at bringing together hydrologists, soil scientists and ecosystem physiologists who study water and nutrient fluxes in diverse ecosystems using isotope and environmental tracers to better understand the biogeochemical processes and residence times along pathways of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum.Workshop Scope

Deadline abstract submission: Will be announced as soon as possible.

For further information please downlad the Flyer .



SPP 1685 Closing Conference 2021


April 14 - 17,  2021
Freiburg, (Germany)

New Approaches to Ecosystem Nutrition - Phosphorus and Beyond

The ecological paradigm of the ‘whole being more than the sum of its parts’ is widely accepted as one of the most fascinating properties of ecosystems. Yet the emergence of nutrient dynamics within ecosystems is rarely addressed.
Join us for the second “Ecosystem Nutrition” conference, the closing event of the DFG Priority Program SPP 1685 which has a special focus on the phosphorus nutrition of forest ecosystems.
The goal of the conference is to broaden approaches of plant nutrition to explore nutrient related processes at the scale of ecosystems.


During the conference we will link key findings from SPP 1685 to studies addressing also other nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and potassium).
Contributions on the processes of ecosystem nutrition, on methodological innovations, new experimental approaches, methods and concepts are highly appreciated.

Important dates

December 15, 2020: Deadline abstract submission & Registration opens
February 1, 2021: Notification of acceptance
March 1, 2021: Deadline registration

For further information please downlad the Flyer or see here.




 June 27 - July 1, 2021 (tentative)
Tartu (Estonia)

10th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the organizing committee and the international scientific committee have decided to postpone the conference from summer 2020 to summer 2021.

The focus of BIOGEOMON is on the biogeochemistry of forest and natural ecosystems as influenced by anthropogenic and environmental factors. We invite empirical and modeling studies on fluxes and processes related to the turnover of major and trace elements at the ecosystem, watershed, landscape, and global scale.


1   Nutrient fluxes at catchment level
2   Integration of terrestrial and aquatic carbon fluxes across the landscape
3   Biogeochemistry of lakes and rivers
4   Biogeochemistry of natural and constructed wetlands
5   Remote sensing for modeling of biogeochemical fluxes
6   Fluxes between atmosphere & ecosystems
7   Aerosols and VOCs in ecosystem functioning
8   Methane & nitrous oxide fluxes from trees
9   Biodiversity issues of ecosystem behavior
10 Biogeochemistry of trace elements and micropollutants in ecosystems
11 Soil and microbial processes
12 Ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation
13 Peatland processes

Abstracts submission continued, tentative time for closing March 1, 2021.

For further information see:



Eurosoil 2021


August 23 -27, 2021
Geneva (Switzerland)

Connecting people and soil

Eurosoil 2021 objective is to bring together leading research scientists working on soil related topics and stakeholders dealing with issues of public concern such as soil degradation and consequences of climatic changes. The important bridging role of soil practitioners to translate scientific knowledge into practice will be emphasized.

Postponement Information:
– All accepted contributions to sessions will be maintained for the Eurosoil 2021 congress.
– Contributors will have the opportunity to amend/update/edit their contribution in 2021. Details of the timeline for this process will be communicated once finalised
– The Session Programme will remain the same for the vast majority of the programme, some minor changes and updates will be made and announced in as timely a manner as possible
– The organisers are considering a “late breaking” call for contributions in 2021 – confirmation of this along with practical details will be communicated once finalised.

Congress website:


Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (DBG) 2021

DBG Logo

September 4 - 11, 2021
Trier (Germany)


Thema der Tagung:
"Grenzen überwinden, Skalen überschreiten"

Weitere Informationen sind hier verfügbar.


FowiTa 2021


September 13 - 16, 2021
Weihenstephan (Germany)


Wald: Wie weiter?



Die geplanten Schwerpunktthemen sind:

1. Wald, Politik und Gesellschaft
2. Klimawandel und Wald
3. Biodiversität und Schutz der Lebensgrundlagen
4. Holz: Zukunftsressource der Bioökonomie
5. Steuerung von Waldökosystemen
6. Boden, Wasser, Stoffkreisläufe
7. Arbeitsplatz Wald
8. Open Topic (Grenzgänger-Themen)

Bereits angenommene Sessions bleiben akzeptiert, der Aufruf zur Einreichung von Sessions wird im November wiedereröffnet und kann von den Autoren bis zum 28. Februar 2021 editiert werden, um neue Forschungsergebnisse zu berücksichtigen. Weitere Informationen zur Tagung finden Sie hier.


New Publications






Pastore, G., Kernchen, S., Spohn, M.: Microbial solubilization of silicon and phosphorus from bedrock in relation to abundance of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria in temperate forest soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151, Article 108050 (2020). doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108050






Rodionov, A., Bauke, S.L., von Sperber, C., Hoeschen, C., Kandeler, K., Kruse, J., Lewandowski, H., Marhan, S., Mueller, C.W., Simon, M., Tamburini, F., Uhlig, D., von Blanckenburg, F., Lang, F., Amelung, W.: Biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in subsoils of temperate forest ecosystems. Biogeochemistry, available online (2020). doi: 10.1007/s10533-020-00700-8






Pistocchi, C., Mészáros, É., Frossard, E., Bünemann-König, E., Tamburini, F.: In or out of equilibrium? How microbial activity controls the oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate in forest organic horizons with low and high phosphorus availability. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol. 8, Article 564778 (2020). doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.564778






Meller, S., Frossard, E., Spohn, M., Luster, J.: Plant Nutritional Status Explains the Modifying Effect of Provenance on the Response of Beech Sapling Root Traits to Differences in Soil Nutrient Supply. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change, Vol. 3, Article 535117 (2020). doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.535117






Loeppmann, S., Breidenbach, A., Spielvogel, S., Dippold, M.A., Blagodatskaya, E.: Organic Nutrients Induced Coupled C- and P-Cycling Enzyme Activities During Microbial Growth in Forest Soils. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change, Vol. 3, Article 100 (2020). doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00100






Hauenstein, S., Nebel, M., Oelmann, Y.: Biologically Cycled P in Xylem Sap of Fagus sylvatica L. Revealed by Means of the Oxygen Isotope Ratio in Phosphate. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change, Vol. 3, Article 542738 (2020). doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.542738






Uhlig, D., Amelung, W., von Blanckenburg, F.: Chemical and isotope data on the deep regolith’s source of mineral nutrients in mountainous temperate forest ecosystems. GFZ Data Services (2020). doi: 10.5880/GFZ.3.3.2020.002






Uhlig, D., Amelung, W., von Blanckenburg, F.: Mineral nutrients sourced in deep regolith sustain long‐term nutrition of mountainous temperate forest ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 34 (9), e2019GB006513 (2020). doi: 10.1029/2019GB006513






Löw, C.A.E. , Schack-Kirchner, H., Fink, S., Lang, F.: Root Size and Morphology of Associated Hyphae Reflect the Phosphorus Nutrition Strategies of European Beech Forests. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change, Vol. 3, Article 95 (2020). doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00095






Klotzbücher, A., Schnuck, F., Klotzbücher, T., Kaiser, K., Glaser, B., Spohn, M., Widdig, M., Mikutta, R.: Goethite-Bound Phosphorus in an Acidic Subsoil Is Not Available to Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Frontiers in Forest and Global Change, Vol. 3, Article 94 (2020). doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00094






Ganta, P.B., Kühn, O., Ahmed, A.A.: QM/MM Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Binding of Organic Phosphates to the 100 Diaspore Surface. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change, Vol. 3, Article 71 (2020). doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00071






Wang, L., Missong, A., Amelung, W., Willbold, S., Prietzel, J., Klumpp, E.: Dissolved and colloidal phosphorus affect P cycling in calcareous forest soils. Geoderma, Article 114507 (2020). doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114507






Uhlig, D., Goldberg, T., Frick, D.A., von Blanckenburg, F. : Quantifying beryllium concentrations in plant shoots from forest ecosystems using cation-exchange chromatography and quadrupole ICP-MS. Analytical Science Advances, available online (2020). doi: 10.1002/ansa.202000036

